This page is very young and as such it has not started to mature in its content. It has only a few scanned documents here, most are from my immediate family.

It is my hopes and plans that as others find this site that they will send me or allow me to scan in records for display here.

Levi and Elizabeth Masten Land Deed Sale -Page 1 -1836

Deed of Sale on land owned by Levi and Elizabeth Masten -1836
				Coshocton County Ohio Deed of Sale on land owned by Levi and Elizabeth Masten -1836
				Coshocton County Ohio

The Marriage Certificate of Clifford Dean Mastin and Norma Jean Jobe Clifford Dean Mastin and Norma Jean Jobe marriage
The 1863 Civil War Military Discharge of Levi Mastin from the Union Army Levi Mastin's Civil War Discharge 1863
The 1865 Civil War Military Discharge of Levi Mastin from the union Army The Civil War Military Discharge of Levi Mastin 1865
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